Saturday, September 19, 2015

How feasible is that Facebook enable the option ‘I hate’? – El Pais – Cali Colombia

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Facebook said that no longer permit the presence of groups that make apology for terrorist activities.

generated a buzz this week about the possible arrival of a button ‘I hate’ to Facebook. This after the founder of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg, when asked about this functionality claimed that they are “working on it”.

But in reality is close Facebook to implement this controversial development acclaimed users?

It appears that the answer is no. Or at least not as a contrast button to the popular ‘Like’ that is used today to approve the ‘post’ friends in the social network.

The same Zuckerberg said that ” we do not just create a button ‘I do not like’ we do not want that Facebook will become a forum where people vote positively or negatively the ‘posts’ of others. “

Facebook founder aims to develop a button that reflects empathy or understanding of another user shares information in your ‘wall’.

“If you’re sharing something that is sad people may not feel comfortable at to ‘Like’ to this publication, but may want to express that you understand or feel identified, “he said.

Zuckerberg ended by announcing that it is very difficult to create this” interaction “but are close to achieve and put into operation. “We hope to present something that meets the needs of our community,” he said.

With this trip Facebook seeks to satisfy its users without yielding to the pretensions of putting the button ‘I hate’ which has always resisted.

The technology expert Victor Solano, said that probably the solution will not be one but several buttons that allow qualify the reactions to the published contents.

” This means that there may be something like ‘identify me’, ‘I understand how you feel,’ or any other similar expression, “he said.

According to the communications adviser, Facebook has been against ‘I hate’ because it could negatively affect the number of users.

“If a user receives their publications disapprovals will quit or just going to leave Facebook, so you have to find a happy middle ground to allow the user to comments and published,” he said.

Finally, Solano said that commercial companies would be the hardest hit with the implementation of a button ‘I do not like’.

“These will be the first to go running that receive votes that disapprove your brand and products. It is more for them than for users, “he said.


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