Thursday, July 21, 2016

Who is the creator of Pokémon Go? – The

The man behind Pokemon Go is John Hanke. US 49 is the creator of augmented reality game that already has almost as many users as Twitter and managed to climb by 50%, shares of Nintendo.

But this is not the first Hanke great invention. Also developed Google Earth in 2005. A service that no sooner was enabled caused the collapse of the servers of the company.

As happened with Pokemon Go, a problem that although fixed, is one of the reasons for its release was delayed in several countries.

Hanke was more than a decade in Google. Before that he served in the United States Department of State. A post he left to move to the San Francisco Bay to study. Made a Masters in Business Administration at the University of California, Berkeley.

In 2010, Hanke created Niantic, the company that launched Pokémon Go. The idea was to “explore the intersection between mobile applications, geolocation and entertainment,” he said last year in an interview with the Financial Times.

also commented on several occasions that the repercussions the app surprised. “we expected it to be successful and create an infrastructure thinking it would be a success, but to be honest. We surpassed the level of interest generated, the amount of people who want to play and the amount of time they spend in the game, “he said.


His first successful creation within that company was Ingress, a game in which the goal is to gain control of sites that are in different parts of the world. The app, which already has 15 million users, also uses the GPS.

Hanke said he created this type of game because it seeks to stop people sedentary lifestyle and go on the street, to go and be linked with others.

“Pokémon Go is in the real world. So people instead of getting together with a bunch of avatars in a virtual classroom, you can meet with friends and go out together. Combined with real life, which makes it much more interesting than something that only happens in the virtual plane, “said Hanke in a recent interview made Time magazine.

The creator said that the app favored contact between people. “You give them an excuse to go out and socialize with others, which is something that at the end of the day makes us feel good.”

Regarding accidents and problems with the law that were generated by the almost obsessive use game, Hank remarked that since the company reminded users who have to respect the rules and be respectful of others.

anyway recognizes that things “were fired and everything is happening much faster than we expected and not think we have much control in that sense “


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