Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Characters of Don Quixote names new exoplanets – ElTiempo.com

The planetary system μ Arae, located 49.8 light-years away in the constellation Altar (Ara) has a new name: from Tuesday your star is called Cervantes and four planets orbiting Quixote, Rocinante, Sancho and Dulcinea.

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) official in charge of assigning names to celestial objects, announced this NameExoWorlds convene decision after a public contest to rename the planetary systems found in recent years.

Cervantes was the name of the Spanish candidacy, promoted by the Spanish Society of Astronomy and Planetarium of Pamplona (northern Spain) for this international competition.

With over 38,000 votes was the winner in the middle of a competition with six options for four countries (Portugal, Italy, Colombia and Japan).

The Colombian proposals for the stars were Humantahú, meaning ‘Sun’ to the Embera Katío and Sua, the most revered god muiscas and whose temple was Sugamuxi (Sogamoso), sacred Sun City and to the planets.. Tutruica, Armucura, Dabeiba and Karagabi (Embera) and Bochica, Tintoa, Sunuba, Chaquén and Chibchacum (muiscas)

The vote was open on the internet from 12 August to 31 October. Everybody could vote, with the only limitation of one vote per device.

The contest NameExoWorlds the International Astronomical Union (IAU) allowed first time in history, the public could participate in choosing new names for stars and exoplanets

And it was a success. you could choose among 274 names proposed by organizations astronomical 45 countries , and more than half a million votes were received from 182 countries. Spain was the third country in percentage of participation, behind only India and the United States.

Among other adopted new names include those from mythological figures of different cultures, as well as scientific or fictional characters, ancient cities or words of disappeared languages.

With information from EFE


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