Saturday, July 23, 2016

Racism proliferates and normalizes online – Diario Uno

The far-right groups found on the internet a tool to spread their hate speech and normalize them, even for victims who mostly desist from denouncing them, according to a study of anthropology at the University of Barcelona.

In this research, carried out with other entities in Italy, France, Spain, Romania and the United Kingdom, they denounced the passivity and permissiveness of society and digital platforms against these messages that appear to consolidate both the network and European policy, with steady growth of the extreme right.

“The Internet has been a qualitative leap for many things and for the dissemination of hate speech,” he said at a press conference doctor atropología Miguel Pajares, who participated in this study framed in the project European PRISM to combat these messages.

“the Internet has not only meant the possibility of expanding this speech, but has also standardized and is assumed to be inevitable,” he added.

During their study, the researchers interviewed 150 users of social and professional linked to this issue, such as police or prosecutors, of the five participating countries networks (including many victims of these speeches).

The main conclusion is that the victims do not report these situations. According to an estimate of the Agency of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, between 60 and 90% gave up in.

Of the victims interviewed, only one had reported to the police xenophobic attitudes, they say. This is a double problem: “these ideas as valid and rebound are consolidated, the magnitude of the problem is reduced” because without denounces these acts do not appear in official statistics, says anthropologist Olga Jubany, who led the study

Among the reasons for this passivity include the fact that the victim is accustomed, ignorance of these attitudes may be a crime and distrust of the efficiency of complaint mechanisms both by police and railway tracks and on administrators through the web.

In fact, researchers denounced racist Facebook hundred comments on the social network and only nine were eliminated. Among those accepted, there are some calling for Muslims to kill Jews or send to concentration camps.

“I do not complain because it does not work. These mechanisms are not being efficient as they should be. If nothing is done, the messages remain and continue to promote these speeches,” he warned Jubany.


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