Sunday, September 21, 2014

The mind and its borders – World

Hawking concluded in his latest book, The Grand Design , that matter has sufficient potential to create itself without recourse to an external cause. Today tells us that God does not exist and that the universe is explained by physical laws that the human brain can comprehend. Even states that the mind has no limits.

I can not discuss the extraordinary work in the field of the physics of this scientist, but I think his philosophical conclusions themselves are folding. It is true that the mind is without borders for two simple reasons. The first is that the neurons of the brain is limited. And the second is that the structure of our mind influences the perception. Kant held that space and time are categories of sensitivity, not realities.

Hawking’s thesis is similar in background to the Anglican Bishop Berkeley, who thought the understanding was the reflection of the divine wisdom, and that therefore they could see the ultimate reality of all existence. I am convinced that this is not so and that human reason is imperfect, even the best tool we have to guide us.

Overcoming the positions of agnosticism, Hawking is recognized atheist because God is a hypothesis unnecessary. Even accepting this proposition, go unanswered the questions of how the subject has emerged. Has it created itself? Is it possible that may arise out of nothing?

What I mean is that materialism Hawking is as metaphysical as the Five Ways of St. Thomas explaining what exists as a creation of God, the ultimate cause of all things. We can understand the development of the universe from the big bang, we are able to describe the laws of physics that operate large and small, come to know what is dark matter and even we can simulate in a laboratory operation a black hole. But I doubt that in the distant future, in many centuries, we are able to determine whether God exists.

There are questions that probably have no answer, for the simple reason that man is part of Nature and can not look beyond. We are literally stardust, which are compatible sense of admiration for the great achievements of great minds like Hawking, who flies almost as high as that of the gods.


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