Friday, February 12, 2016

Confirmed Einstein’s predictions about the existence of gravitational waves – euronews

A team of scientists has confirmed the existence of gravitational waves, a key element in the General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein. But this new discovery had been predicted 100 years ago by the German physicist. The finding represents a milestone for the study of the cosmos.

The Director General of American Observatory laser interferometry ( LIGO ), an institution which confirmed the first direct observation of these waves, that gravitational waves were produced by a collision of two black holes that were together, they are then merged into a single black hole some 1,300 million years ago. The waves were detected by the Observatory, which has the most accurate measuring device ever built.

In Einstein’s theory, all moving bodies emit gravitational waves. And a stone affects the water where it falls, all perturbations produce bodies in space.

This finding will build the spacecraft that will detect gravitational waves and investigate the signals and their origin. Thus, you can explore the universe in a different way.

The waves were captured last Sept. 14 by the detectors of the Observatory, with two locations, one in Louisiana and the other in Hanford (Washington).


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