Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Discovered a new dwarf planet beyond Neptune – Terra Peru

An international team of astronomers announced today that it has discovered the existence of a dwarf planet in the solar system whose orbit has its farthest to 19,000 million kilometers from the Sun point.

baptized provisionally as RR245, has a diameter of about 700 kilometers and one of the largest for a dwarf planet orbits, reported the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), who participated in the discovery.

she is so far away, told Efe researcher Jean-Marc Petit, who sunlight costs 18.5 hours to reach him.

The RR245 was discovered in the Kuiper belt using the telescope Canada-France-Hawaii in Maunakea (Hawaii) and its size and brightness allow can be analyzed in detail and contribute to reconstruct the history of our solar system.

An expert from the National Research Council of Canada (CNRC), who also participated in the study, first detected last February, from images taken in September 2015 .

the planet completes its orbit in 700 years and has only been observed during one of those years, so scientists warn that still do not know where it comes from or how it goes to evolve its orbit in the future.

The team points out that the vast majority of dwarf planets like RR245 were destroyed or expelled from the solar system during caused chaos when the giant planets moved to stand in their current positions.

The latter is “one of the few dwarf planets that has survived to this day, along with Pluto and Eris, the largest known dwarf planets,” says the CNRS, glad detected “in such an improbable orbit” and study the possibilities it opens up.


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