Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Swing Copters: this is the game creator Flappy Bird – Gadget News

<- AddThis Button BEGIN -> <- .addthis_toolbox.addthis_default_style / ABN -> <- AddThis Button END ->  0 Swing Copters: as & # XED, is the game creator Flappy Bird

Today we speak in News Gadget games, but not any kind of games. In this particular case we are referring to is supposed to be a title that although new and largely unknown, comes with a great base to his credit. We refer to that is the second creation of viral Flappy Birds who went through so much trouble, but got a great fortune and gain an audience that continues to promote simplicity and winning formula in the world mobile terminals.

The title of the issue you are talking about is Swing Copters , and if you have seen these lines on the video presentation, then we leave you with some screenshots and information that have been leaked on promises to be the exception to the rule of sequels have never been good, and actually the expectation of its launch has been brutal. And although everything is due to the controversial removal of the game from the shops and how it came around, the important thing to know is that it promises to want to beat all records for downloads.

 Swing Copters: as & # XED; is game creator Flappy Bird

At the moment what Swing Copters know about the new bet Dong Nguyen is that the dynamic is a little more complex than that of his brother Flappy Birds. Still, this is not a disadvantage but rather the opposite, as there who complained of excessive ease in the previous version. But there is more, since s


In principle, Swing Copters be currently available in the App Store from August 21. The price of the download will be free, as it was in the case of Flappy Birds , but if a user wants to remove ads, you can do so by paying the total € 0.99 once. We do not know what dates are shuffled to the Android market

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<- AddThis Button BEGIN -> <- .addthis_toolbox. addthis_default_style / ABN -> <- AddThis Button END ->


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