Martin Kessler. Chief of Operations Directorate ESA Science.
The British Martin Kessler, head of Science Operations Directorate of the European Space Agency (ESA), in his office in the center of the agency in Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid), is waiting for the data to be arriving within hours of landing probe Philae in the 67P / Churyumor-Gerasimenco comet. “You have to land at a speed of one meter per second, as the human step on a celestial object traveling at 55,000 miles per hour … is not it great?” Says Kessler excited. The probe has separated this morning the ship Rosetta and lowering operation takes about seven hours. Meanwhile, Kessler, speaking of science that is making this mission and will do in the future.
Question. Why is it so important to the mission Rosetta
Answer. is one of the most ambitious missions that made the ESA and its scientific importance lies in the fact that we can provide information about the solar system and the origin of water on Earth, which could come in comets. The ship in orbit of 67P / Churyumor-Gerasimenco accounts for 80% of the science mission, and Philae, 20%. The first helps us answer many scientific questions, but the second will take measurements in situ , confirming many details artifact in orbit.
Q. Something like what they do on Mars spacecraft in orbit together with surface vehicles such as Curiosity
A. Exactly what Ideally you should have both.
Q. Why this comet?
A. When the system formed Solar 4,500 million years ago, part of the remnant, leftover material of planets is originated in comets, so they are relics of the origin of the system. The planets are now much altered by the transformations that have suffered throughout their evolution, while comets not, they retain the original material. As to why 67P / Churyumor-Gerasimenco, is a compromise between their scientific and engineering requirements of the space mission in terms of travel, and so on.
Q. Do I need to actually send a ship there? Not enough to observe these objects with telescopes
R I give just one example:. In this comet images taken with the Hubble telescope form appreciated only as a potato, we have not seen that has two lobes, like a rubber duck, until it has reached Rosetta and has photographed close up.
Q. are all the same comet as to extrapolate the information from one to the other.
A. No, they are not all equal. But scientists make hypotheses to be checked and now with a comet can check them and make new questions and new hypotheses. So science advances. With Rosetta … we know so little about comets Rosetta every day is a surprise. And as you get closer to the Sun the comet and see how it changes our ship that object. It’s like having a comet out there, glued to the window, we can see constantly garden.
Q. when Philae lands safely this afternoon, how long can it work?
A. Bring charged for 60 hours of scientific work, which is planned batteries. Then, with your solar panels charge the batteries should still work … for two or three months, as long as you do not cover the dust, or too hot or will affect the jets of material sublimated comet as it approaches the Sun.
Q. Is it a matter of concern not work small rocket should push towards the ground at touchdown, as has been seen this morning?
A. certainly increases the risk of the operation. The Philae carried spears and three devices bolted to the floor in time to make contact with the ground, but to avoid the reaction, the rebound starts, takes those little rockets that were to crush him against the surface is a inconvenience, but decided to go ahead because you can not do anything, can not go to repair them.
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