Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Floating 760 km per hour Hyperloop capsules have their levitation system – Gizmodo in Spanish

 Floating 760 km per  hour: the c & # XE1; capsules of Hyperloop  have their levitation system & # XF3; n

Since Elon Musk made public the original plans of Hyperloop, a handful of companies have launched to develop the idea. One that has made more progress is called Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT). The company has just patented a levitation system that will allow the capsules move at 760 kilometers per hour

http:. //es.gizmodo.com/el-hyperloop-d …

the technology has been created by the doctor. Richard F. Post, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which had already more than a year working on the project. Instead of a levitation system based on compressed air in a tube at low pressure, the method used by HTT is based on passive magnets and has two advantages, the first is that it requires so much energy to run, the second is that it is insurance in case of technical stop of the capsule. Bibop Gresta, COO of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies explains:

The system of passive levitation eliminates the need to install generators in each section of the track, which will keep construction costs low . From the point of view of safety, the system has many advantages. Levitation takes place only through movement, so if any electrical failure occurs, the capsules simply continue levitating until they reach a minimum speed and alighting.

instead of electromagnets along the entire pathway as used Maglevs, HTT levitation is based on magnets installed in the capsule itself which are levitate that when a certain speed is reached.

There is still a long road ahead and there is sure to HTT is the first to achieve to realize this futuristic means of transport. Another company called Hyperloop Technologies and MIT own work in their own alternatives. Yet it is encouraging to see that the projects are well under way. [HTT via The Next Web]

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