Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Welcome to 2015, Marty McFly – El Universal (Venezuela)

On the undercard of the cinemas in our country the film “The Walk”, a digital artwork that recreates the twin towers that were part of the World Trade Center in New York, who were joined by a French acrobat named Phillipe Petit is located in 1974.

The director who debuted this year’s anticipated film, Robert Zemeckis is the same, but today, another of his films which captures the attention of the public. Zemeckis in 1989 released “Back to the Future II”, a film that became a classic and an icon of pop culture. Today, October 21, 2015 at 04:29 pm, Marty McFly would be landing in the future, with Delorean, on the streets of California, United States, surprised and admiring all that was unknown because he would have jumped 30 years in history.

The inventions or visionary ideas of Robert Zemeckis that seemed unthinkable in the eighties as the video calls , smart lenses, the reader fingerprint (biometric security), large flat screens and video games hands-free, are now a reality inventions that seem normal to the inhabitants of the new millennium, still others remain part of the fiction.

However, moviegoers maintain the hope that soon the shoes that tie themselves and adjusted to fit the foot, flying cars, straps walk the dogs alone and self-drying jackets come into existence in only a matter of time, to experience what Marty felt when he reached the age in which we live today.

To make matters worse, it is expected that today the sports company Nike announces the release of the “Nike Air Mag” shoes that fit and bind themselves as the protagonist of “Back to the Future II”. These suspicions are increased because the company wrote yesterday to Michael J Fox, the actor who portrays Marty McFly , a tweet with the message “See you tomorrow”.

The date neither has been passed unnoticed on social networks, Twitter hashtag #BackToTheFuture (#RegresoAlFuturo) has remained at the top of the list of trending topics with more than 500,000 tweets featuring the famous memes created for the occasion. While Instagram the same label has been used more than 700,000 times by different users in recent weeks.

The original cast of the film will make an appearance today at the Lincoln Center in New York celebration where the film of the trilogy that will assure success Zemeckis will also be screened.


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