Tuesday, May 3, 2016

5 browsers “alternative” that you can challenge the dominance of Google Chrome – BBC World

SAILING # XF3; n In  Internet Image copyright Thinkstock
Image caption Google dominates the market. But others give battle.

In the “browser wars” Chrome is gaining hand.

statistics released by the Netmarketshare specialized company said Wednesday that Google’s browser surpassed for the first time the classic Internet Explorer , with a market share of 41.7% of desktop users, compared to 41.3% of . your opponent

the category is dominated by a handful of companies. besides Chrome, the most popular include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Konqueror

But in the market there are hundreds of browsers. Some estimates say more than 3,000 by the end of 2015.

How to navigate this alternate universe? We tried

The last in the list of great. Konkeror

With 0.01% market share, Konkeror is the browser small figure in statistics Netmarketshare .

Image caption Konkeror is made for Linux.

Powered by Linux , within the so-called “KDE project”, defined as “an international team cooperating in the development and distribution of software free and open desktop and portable code. “

Konqueror operates on the set of programs that make up the desktop environment KDE . And like everything that touches these programs it is free and free of charge.

His supporters find that integrates well with the environment and that is highly customizable .

It might be considered as a browser for a very specific niche

The new commitment of an old player. Edge

This is the substitute was once the king of sailing, then become one of the most hated programs in the world. Internet Explorer

it was released by Microsoft in 2015 hand Windows 10.

Image caption Edge is sold “as a new navigation experience.”

Criticism was mixed

Some said it was infinitely better than Explorer.; others reneged on a little friendly design, which noted in details such as the absence of a URL bar.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of Edge that is not Internet Explorer ” , said the journal PCMag

the specialized environment the Verge was a little less hard. “Surfing the Edge can be a delight, pages load quickly, displacement is a walk and rendering problems are much less common “

h2 class =>. “Maxthon

Maxthon it is a name that jumps frequently when alternative browsers are searched.

Image caption Maxthon promises to “liberate”.

Although not included in the gross statistics Netmarketshare, this browser developed by a Chinese company has good review in stores Applications such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play.

One reason is its speed: enthusiasts Maxthon find it much faster than Chrome

the other is that works with different systems. operating , from Windows to Mac from iOS to Android. This is an advantage when it comes to synchronize different devices.

Other benefits attributed to him are the easy to configure and the ability to trigger an ad blocker, said very effective

the new kid on the block: Vivaldi

the editor of PC World Mark Hachamn calls the “ new contender in the world of browsers “.

Image caption Vivaldi is the new “contender in the world browsers “.

It was created by the former CEO of Opera, another browser at the end of the list of most used Netmarketshare, with the idea of ​​offering a tool friendly and rendidora, more than attractive .

Here, is designed for “power users” .

Works with Windows, Linux and OS X and provides the ability to configure a “speed dial”, ie, a series of pages that are on the cover of the browser and you can enter with one click.

Other key elements can also be customized: “the default interface can be fixed completely, anchoring bar tab, bar URL, laterals bars and much more anywhere,” says Scott Gilberson in the journal Arstechnica

in addition, the. reception seems to have been quite enthusiastic.

Although may be early to reach a verdict .

One of the ends of the universe : AlienForce

the latter browser seat gain in the list by “curiosity” factor

“Many people love Firefox the aliens, meanwhile, are probably using.. AlienForce “says blogger Victor Clark in an article entitled” 6 alternative browsers you should find out “.

This is a tool much like Firefox and in this sense, is directed to the general public.

according to critics, is not particularly fast or efficient (or otherwise).

But “you can give you a alien sensation thanks to its design, “says Clark.

” If you believe that the truth is out there, then you’ll like this seeker “.


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