Monday, June 15, 2015

Facebook also investigates what ‘fisgoneas’ –

New algorithm change on Facebook. The social network for excellence no longer be based only on your interactions (the “likes”, comments you leave and stories you share) to determine what interests you and therefore what shows on your ‘News Feed’. Also take into account your silences. That is, as long as you remain in the publications, but not interact.

As Facebook explains in his blog, these interactions have historically been the main factors to determine which contents are displayed on top of ‘News Feed’. However, they say, these factors do not always give a complete picture of the issues of interest to the user.

“In many cases, simply because someone does not give ‘Like’ and not discuss or share the history does not mean you’re not interested, “say the engineers Ansha Yu and Sami Tas, authors of the ‘post’. “We found that if people spend significantly more time on a story from his ‘News Feed’ in the other stories that consultation is a good sign that the content is relevant to the user”. Exemplified occasions when a major event occurs, and users consume information concerning the same, but do not share or comment. But not only that. In fact, it also refers to the time dedicated to “snoop”.

“For example, you can go quickly your ‘News Feed’ and give a ‘Like’ to the graduation photo of your friend [note that the example is American, right?] and then share a publication of your sister. Still sailing and you stumble upon a ‘post’ your cousin in which every detail has its last journey. That ‘post’ takes a photo. You stop to read what it says and also the discussion about the best places where you eat that has been generated in the comments. But neither you comment or give a ‘like’ “. Well, Facebook detects that you stopped for a while in this publication, which infers that kind of ‘posts’ interest you and that, therefore, should show similar stories at the top of your ‘News Feed’.

And yes, this also means that if Facebook fisgoneas usually your ex, or pictures of a coworker, it is likely that your ‘News Feed’ that kind of start to appear stories more often. You warned you.

However, Facebook will consider the time that a user remains in a story can not be just out of interest, but because the quality of your connection makes the stories take time to load.

This new algorithm change comes just two months after Facebook as amended to prioritize the content published and shared with your contacts, especially those with the most interactúes- detriment of corporate pages that follow .



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