Ed. Print published in Nature Geoscience
The “Curiosity” robot detects first continental crust on Mars, which comes as close as Earth and strengthens its potential for harboring life. | S1, STC, m, kpcdn, net – Agency
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silica-rich rocks similar to those of the oldest Earth continental crust were scattered in the place where the vehicle Curiosity NASA landed on Mars, a study published in Nature Geoscience.
This finding adds to growing evidence adds that, the past, Mars could have been much like the old Earth than had previously been thought.
The Curiosity rover crossed the crater area of Gale, formed about 3,600 million years ago where light-colored rocks, which contrasted with those of basaltic composition was located in younger regions discovered.
The continental crust, which is less dense and different from beneath composition oceans are I thought it was only on Earth and was attributed to complex magmatic process possibly related to the onset of plate tectonics.
In the case of the Martian crust was assumed that he had not gone through that process magmatic and therefore should consist mainly of basalt, although recent missions discovered the isolated existence of materials rich in silica.
An international team analyzed the geochemical data from more than 22 rocks examined with an instrument ChemCam Curiosity as that vehicle crossing an ancient land near the crater Gale.
The experts, led by Violaine Sautter Museum of Natural History of France, found that the light-colored rocks are rich in silica and They are of various compositions.
The composition of some of these rocks is similar to that of some of the oldest continental material from the ground and were preserved.
Researchers rocks suggest that clear and rich color on silica may be remnants of an ancient Martian crust similar to the first continental crust that occurred on Earth, but noted that new data are needed to confirm this.
The Journey of the Curiosity in the crater Gale began on August 6, 2012. In its way, the robot encountered a strange light stone color, different from dark basalt that abound on the planet.
The origin of these whitish rocks, write the study authors, seems to be “a crust of several kilometers thick” that was partly exposed on the north wall of the crater.
Curiosity will shooting laser beams. Its light focuses the power of a million light bulbs in a millimeter point and to analyze the rocks away.
IMPORTANCE This finding
Jesus Martinez-Frias, researcher at the Institute of Geosciences, IGEO (CSIC-UCM) and member of the science team Curiosity, highlights the importance of this finding to The Country. “Not the first time suggested the existence of continental crust, but the first to be detected and analyzed in situ” he says. Until now it was assumed that Mars had two plates, one finer in the northern hemisphere and that was the bottom of a vast ocean and other thicker in the south, where the vehicle he explains. In any case, the existence of geologic activity strengthens the possibilities of biology on Mars.
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