Thursday, June 16, 2016

Scientists detect signs of oxygen in the distant universe – Internet Information Center of Chinaónomos detected a clear indication of ox RIVER hydrogen in a galaxy located 13,100 million to CHILDREN light of Earth, making it the ox & iacute; geno m & aacute; s distant jam & aacute;. s discovered 06/17/2016 06: 13: 34.0 Ox & iacute; geno, universe agency xinhua10067032544Edu-ciencia/enpproperty–>

Astronomers detected a clear indication of oxygen in a galaxy located 13,100 million light years from Earth, making it the most distant ever discovered oxygen

the amount of oxygen detected in SXDF-NB1006-2, a galaxy discovered in 2012 and confirmed as the most distant galaxy discovered so far, is ten times lower than that observed in the Sun, astronomers reported today in the journal Science .

“low abundance was expected because the universe was still young and had a brief history of star formation at that time,” he said in a statement the study’s author, Naoki Yoshida of the University of Tokyo.

Using data from the telescope Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, a team of researchers made this discovery could help understand the enigmatic “cosmic reionization” in the early history of the universe.

Several elements are present around us in the universe today, but after the Big Bang (Big Bang) occurred 13,800 million years ago there were only the lightest elements. hydrogen, helium and lithium

Several hundred million years after the Big Bang began to develop the first stars emitted a strong radiation ionized the neutral gas and synthesized heavier elements like carbon and oxygen.

period, known as “cosmic reionization” at the end created the universe with which we are familiar today.

the new observations showed that in SXDF-NB1006-2 there is only a small amount of powder composed of heavy elements , which could be an indication that most of the gas in the galaxy, including oxygen is highly ionized, the researchers said.

“This is the first step to understanding what kind of object caused the cosmic reionization, “said Yoichi Tamura, University of Tokyo, one of the study authors.

” Our observations with ALMA already started. The observations with higher resolution will allow us to see the distribution and movement of ionized oxygen in the galaxy and will provide valuable information to understand the properties of the galaxy “F


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