Saturday, May 30, 2015

The mystery of the holes in the Swiss cheese – Newspaper AM

Agricultural Institute found that tiny bits of hay are responsible for the famous holes in cheeses such as Emmentaler and Appenzeller

The Swiss solved the mystery of the disappearance of cheese holes. Milk was too pure and El Universal and antena3 report.

A Swiss agricultural institute found that tiny bits of hay are responsible for the famous holes in cheeses such as Emmentaler and Appenzeller. When mature milk into cheese these “microscopic particles of hay” contribute to the holes in traditional varieties of Swiss cheese.

The Agroscope Institute, funded by the government, said Thursday in a statement that the transition from old management methods on farms to fully automated industrial systems had caused the decline of the holes for the past 15 years.

The researchers made this discovery as reminders that the holes tended to disappear when milk was extracted with more modern techniques.

“It is the disappearance of traditional container” located under the udder of the cow, and replaced by more modern and hygienic techniques, resulting in the disappearance of holes, told AFP a spokesman for Agroscope.

“It’s a discovery that was made by accident, like all great discoveries,” the spokesman Agroscope.

Thanks this finding, the cheese now know that playing with the doses of these micro particles of hay, you can control the number of holes in the cheese.


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