Friday, February 19, 2016

Demonstrate the quantum surrealism, the phenomenon that puzzled Einstein –

In the world of atoms, the reality is behaving strangely. Some of the properties of particles such as electrons or photons, are entirely based on probability. For example, according to the uncertainty principle, we can not say what position are at all times. So you can only plot equations (such as call wave functions) to summarize where they might be. And in the event that a researcher trying to find out, and for this measure the properties of these particles, you will discover that the process has altered their behavior, and even other particles that were remote, in a phenomenon known as entanglement. Or actually it was the same particle in two places at once? In other words, nothing is certain until something happens.

This confusion led Einstein to believe that quantum physics does not describe reality. Others suggested that laws that can explain this behavior is still chilling ignored. On Friday, an article published in “Advances Science” has shown that the level of atoms, the particles can be represented as a shock of billiard balls on a table, with the peculiarity that their paths can be surreal. Why not?

“I’m interested less focus on philosophical questions about what is happening out there. I think the more useful question is simpler. Before thinking metafísicias interpretations, I think the key is to have different images of the same phenomenon. This can be useful, because it helps to have an intuition of what is happening, “said Aephriam Steinberg, a physicist at the University of Toronto.

Instead of giving exclusive explanations, this scientist proposed to several ideas to try to explain a unique and surreal event. After measuring the trajectories of photons and to observe its influence on other photons that were beyond his team have devised a simple way to visualize these paths.

In 2011, Steinberg was able to follow the paths photons, quantum particles whose position can not be determined accurately, trying to minimize the effect of distortion that occurs when a measurement is made. However, some criticized that by measuring these particles, photons could be that other more distant also change their paths, and therefore appear surreal paths.

But now, Steinberg has shown that this is a consequence of surrealism how the trajectory of the particles is measured. If those particles that are measured are linked together, the results make sense, and helps to understand the paths. . To the point of being surreal left




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