Saturday, February 13, 2016

VENEZUELA: Valentine: arrive scams with bargains and WhatsApp emoticons – EntornoInteligente

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This February 14 fool you should avoid online. Cybercriminals customizan their attacks through this subject so romantic to steal your passwords or spreading “malware”

Over the past few days we have told how love in these times of applications is alternative to link on the network or how it has evolved seduction over time. And we had one more issue, but not least, to try. Cybercriminals also work by Valentine

This February 14th is advisable to avoid that fool on the internet. Computer security experts urged users to call into question the ads and bargains to be found online, as it is likely to cybercriminals ripped off date numerous users. Among the momentum of consumption, the biggest oversights and sentimental high character who has this party, in recent years this date has become increasingly a perfect opportunity for cybercriminals have free rein to run their crimes.

yet many remember the famous “I Love You”, which spread for years affecting millions of computers virus. “Although most do not have the same massive impact, each year you can see new more advanced techniques of espionage, fraud and scams that increase the risk of becoming a victim of digital crime,” explains Carlos Aldama, director of the firm Aldama Legal Information . According to security firm Panda Security, attacks even customizan “to draw the attention of users through this subject so romantic.”

Be careful what you say on social networks also experts believe you have to bear in mind the consequences of what is shared on social networks. According to Alfonso Ramirez, CEO of Kaspersky Lab Iberia, “it is necessary that young people take precautions about the information they publish or share with strangers. The virtual world is far from our home, so if we do not protect our information, anyone can do with it. “

love Letters products with the excuse to make a personalized letter of love, this scheme requires installing an application and provide certain rights to take information from social networks. “However, in the end, the system asking the user and real key, and thus, could control the user’s profile. In addition, injected a Trojan that was sending information abroad,” said Aldama.

bargains Valentine Panda experts, meanwhile, do not recommend trying to give to your partner the best “smartphone” market “at a bargain price” because it is more than likely that when a user looks fantastic offers “but the reality is that nobody gives a hard ESP “. It may be the case, turn that mobile phones including monitoring programs to access the terminal, location and even given away, record the conversations that took place. “In addition, these cases also occurred in many companies were affected by using the corporate mail on phones infected individuals sent abroad contact data, documents, images,” complains Aldama.

WhatsApp WhatsApp smileys it is the perfect tool to trick users. We’ve already told this week that the instant messaging application just updated emoticons in Android and for months it did for iOS. “Do not get ripped off. Do not download files you say love emojis Download only official applications,” added sources Panda, who conciden with Aldama may be the case that these files may contain “calls to external services, malicious infections and a long history of activities without consent by the recipient. “

romantic postcards with” malware “the experts consulted agree that animated postcards and cards may be susceptible to include” malware “. If you receive in your email an alleged congratulations on Valentine also have to download, do not. If you fall into the trap, rather than a romantic card, the only thing you’re going to descagar to your computer is “malware”. So, you know, anything to keep URLs from unknown senders.

In several cases -recuerdan from Aldama has required computer forensics to determine how the emptying of different bank accounts held. “The deceased was a lively card concealed a graphics program that catches made whenever banking websites were accessed and sent to an external server. So, not only knew username and password, also different coordinates for transfers.”

gifts and “spam” Surely you receive in your mailbox emails with suggestions for gifts on Valentine’s Day. “In the best case, you may just be” spam “harmless, but beware if you come with any attachments that may also contain” malware “,” say sources Panda, who strongly recommended. Take them


VENEZUELA: Valentine: arrive scams with bargains and WhatsApp smileys

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