Monday, February 6, 2017

What are digital natives? The young are “cyborg aimlessly” in the digital world – W Radio

Madrid, 6 feb (EFE).- Consider that those born from 1990 are digital natives with an innate ability to use technology is “absurd”: the young are “cyborg aimlessly”, “clumsy or orphans a digital” that need the accompaniment of their parents, also. not to be shipwrecked in this world of change.

That is the thesis of the book “The digital natives do not exist. How to educate your children for a digital world” (ed. Deusto), a trial coordinated by the journalist Susana Lluna and one of the founders of the blog of science and technology Microserfs, Javier Pedreira “Wicho”, and to be presented tomorrow in Madrid.

this Is a plea for constructive communication between parents and children and the accompaniment in the discovery of new technologies: “young people are more connected than ever, but more alone than ever,” said Moon in an interview with Efe.

Like they teach them to cross the street or how to behave when dealing with an unknown, the children need their parents to stop looking the other way in regard to the internet, “an unknown land”.

“we didn’t want for anything that was a book creeped, but to say to the parents that the technology part of the lives of their children, whether they want it or not, but not controlled, and go with them from a young age. (…) Not to do so is an exercise of irresponsibility”, indicates the author.

Those born from 1990 are not afraid of technology, but its handling is “very superficial”. Parents and school have to be involved in the drawing can be different.

“Consider that the digital natives are going to know how to exploit the enormous potential of these technologies in the integral development of the human being and our societies automatically, without us to design and apply educational plans, it is absurd”, is advocated in the book.

The shift towards the digital society is still very fast and will have an impact on human relationships, the economy, the culture, the politics, the moral principles and the way in which to divide the wealth or the job: “This is serious and goes beyond if you understood Facebook, or if you manage to play fluently in Snapchat”, it warns in the text.

“The digital natives, rather than to exist, survive, navigate, as can the wave that floods already every aspect of our identity, which is covering the that is and will be a different society, digital. As parents (…) it is our responsibility to accompany them, join forces to navigate, not only to surf, and not be shipwrecked, to the best ports possible”, collected in the book.

From its title, the text dismantles myths that surround the use of information technology, as most young people have digital skills by being born surrounded by technology, when the reality is that they are “clumsy or orphaned digital”.

“The approach is as absurd as to say that by the fact of having been born after they invented the car all people know how to drive. No, you have to take the card, in the same way in terms of technological need training to learn how to use the technology,” reads the book.

Various experts, among them the psychologist Eparquio Slim and the former director of, Borja Adsuara, treated in the trial to raise the awareness of parents to help their children to stop being “a cyborg without direction” to become “doers” that will create the society of the future.

“This is going super fast and parents say they are left behind, who do not know how this is going technology. It is much easier to say that my son is a digital native because since I was two years old, knows how to handle the iPad,” says Moon.

it Is about being present, to warn of the risks, to foster the potential of ICT: “it is Not that you do the most social of the family, but if your son knows people through different mobile applications, as a minimum you have to know you exist, you should descargártelas and fiddle with them to be quiet,” concludes Moon. EFE


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