Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Study: Use the point WhatsApp message can trigger glibly – RPP News

 Text messages ending with a trailing perceived as less sincere
Text messages that end with a the end point are perceived as less sincere. <- | source: efe -> | Source: EFE

The way we use punctuation in WhatsApp conversations can reveal a lot of information about the issuer, according to a study by the Department of Psychology at the University of Binghamton (United States)

Messaging applications like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, chat or SMS, they were studied by the degree of sincerity that transmitted when the user sender uses punctuation.

The research argues that the text messages that end with a trailing perceived as less sincere, unlike the sentences that end with an exclamation point, which are perceived to . greater sincerity

The study “Texting insincerely: The role of the period in text messaging,” directed by Celia Klin, sought the view 126 university students, who analyzed the texts that made them reach the authors of the research. In them, there were phrases that ended with a point with an exclamation and other punctuation

. The results revealed that the texts ended with one point had a negative connotation, while the sentences ending with an exclamation mark were perceived with utmost sincerity

. For example, in a conversation WhatsApp, is not perceived as a simple question before the recipient answers. “Yes.” or “Yes !!!!!”

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