Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Microsoft today displayed the first details of the next version … – The Nacional.com

This week Microsoft plans to offer a glimpse of his vision for Windows at a time when its new CEO seeks to redefine the company and recover from missteps of its flagship operating system.

Although the new software will not formally on sale until next year, and analysts believe that their success is crucial to Microsoft and to Satya Nadella, who has become a priority for mobile devices and services through the Internet since he became CEO in February.

With touch controls type tablet, Windows 8 was Microsoft’s response to the collapse of PC sales due to rising demand for mobile devices. But the company distanced itself from many users by forcing radical changes of use. Research firm IDC blamed even Windows 8 to accelerate the decline in PC sales in the first year after the release of the operating system in October 2012 full quarter.

Microsoft has made some updates responding to some complaints, but the company Net Applications Analytics estimated that five out of six users of Windows is using a different version of Windows 8.

The next major release will be the opportunity for the company to recover and show that Microsoft can take mobile devices without sacrificing the traditional computing experience.

“It’s one of the most important releases in history.’s very important that we understand well,” said Patrick Moorhead, the research firm Moor Insights and Strategy.

Microsoft is expected to deliver on Tuesday a preliminary look at some of the new features during an activity that the company billed as a discussion of “what’s next for Windows” . The company has not said what name to assign to the new version of Windows.

The event, to be held in San Francisco, is aimed at the business market. Separate sessions will focus on users computers for home and other in the coming months will be made. Analysts say the sessions are part of an effort by Microsoft to get feedback and avoid the pitfalls he had with Windows 8.

Even two years after a decline in sales of personal computers, software licenses for Windows are a crucial element of a business segment contributes approximately 21% of annual income of Microsoft, the second highest after the sale of commercial software company.

Windows 8 introduced new features to personal computers, such as touch screen features that are now common on computers “two in one”. Many PC users had difficulty navigating the new interface, particularly with mouse and keyboard devices without a touchscreen. Furthermore, estranged family controls like the button “Start” was long a component of previous Windows systems.

“It was a miscalculation on the part of Microsoft,” said analyst Steve Kleynhans, of research firm Gartner. “Can not you force people to a situation that changes everything they know,” he added.


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