Friday, September 26, 2014

‘No science, no future’ – Online

“It’s not a leak, is an exile!” Denounced the red tide of science Friday in Madrid. Hundreds of people have marched from Callao to Neptune demanding the government increase the budget for scientific research, a greater investment required to advance projects that began years ago and are now stuck and to provide employment to thousands of researchers young people have to emigrate to work on his own.

The call coincides with the Researchers’ Night , an initiative of the European Union to encourage interest in science among society. France and Italy, which have also been affected by the snip, have organized their own parallel marches science.

This is the second year that the Crimson Tide to the streets of Madrid. “Society needs to know that cuts no money for research and young scientists are leaving the country to find work,” explained a professional CSIC, the largest public research body in Spain. Since the beginning of the crisis, funding has dropped 40%. Several members of this agency had to WORLDWIDE how the industry is aging and shrinking at top speed . “They are rescinding many renewable contracts and the replacement rate is zero.’s People retire, there are low and no younger minds are incorporated,” claimed members of the body, where the average age of the professionals over 40 years.

now has opened the call for new projects and funding proposals for 3000 are presented for 200 million euros. Applicants recognize that they must ask for little, but still the money is not enough to fill all the ideas.

“I was unmanned and I could not meet the goals of my project, now thankfully I have a lab technician who helps me, but pays an NGO. ” Hundreds of testimonies like this filled the center of the capital. A study by the European Research Area, Spain is ranked 22 in public spending on research among the 28 member states of the EU. “Spain had made great progress in science in the last 20 years and now we are losing,” complained one of the attendees.

From the tide, has also called for a commitment to science as an element economic recovery. “If it were reversed, it could be a great economic engine,” noted one young lab technician. None of his teammates could get a place at a health center to complete their studies and many have been forced to abandon the idea of ​​working on his own.

Several protesters pointed to Germany, the country that is collecting Spanish researchers here have closed doors. “The situation there has not changed in recent years, in fact are hiring researchers from other countries.”

Another member of CSIC explained that takes five years his salary frozen and no longer get extra pay. “The salary is not important, we have a permanent position and will continue to charge but not forward with our projects, problem appears when we look to the future “, recounted.

“Without science there is no future,” insisted the audience horrified to think of what is becoming a Spain that no longer investigated. “Now what countries are discussing step back and which one forward, and ours is losing” has sentenced one of the many men dressed in white robes dotting the protest.


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