Saturday, December 27, 2014

Rosetta: What have we learned from this space mission? – The Trade

The first landing of a machine man to a commit built a milestone in the history of space exploration. Chosen as the scientific breakthrough of the year by Science, Space Mission Rosetta, of the European Space Agency, managed to collect data on the composition of the celestial body. But, what information has been obtained?

One of the main objectives of this mission was to determine the source of water, as previous theories indicate that Kites could have brought to Earth, or much of it, billions of years ago.

However, the first data collected invalidate this hypothesis, I argued that the chemical analysis of water in the comet show deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen ) in greater numbers than terrestrial water.

In this videoblog we show you a summarized and easily the first scientific data provided to the module Philae and the ship Rosetta .

The mission Rosetta left Earth on March 2, 2004 from the space station Kourou in French Guiana, with the aim of launching a module on the comet 67 / P Churyumov-Gerasimenko and analyze its surface. Which won the November 12 this year.


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