Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Facebook advises parents on the Day of Safe Use of Internet | Peru Trade – Trade

On February 9, more than a hundred countries take part in the Day of Safe Use of Internet. In this regard, the network Facebook , which has developed policies and educational programs to help ensure the safety of persons, shared essential tips for parents on the proper use of the website.

the technology has changed the way people connect, but for families the basics of safety talk with their children remain the same. Facebook notes that the most important conversation about safety happens between parents or guardians and their children.

Given the latter, the social network offers some ideas for parents talk to their children about practices on the Internet:

1) Stick with what works. You can guide your child about their behavior on the Internet just as you normally do for everything else. If you see your child responds best to a negotiated agreement, made a contract you can both sign. Or maybe your child just need to know the basic rules. In that case, you can set them from the start when you buy a mobile device.

2) The old saying that your children “do what you do, not what you say “it is also true on the Internet. Try to set a good example. If you set time restrictions for the times when your child can use social media or be connected (for example, send text messages after 22:00), make an example of such behavior makes a big difference. If you want your child to be polite on the Internet, leading by example, be courteous and respectful in text messages you send him.

3) Interact early and sets rules. The data indicate that parents need to interact online with their children as soon as they are in social networks, either by adding them as friends as they join Facebook or following them on Instagram when registering. If you let pass the time, it will be more difficult. While it is not surprising, it is worth noting that you must lay the foundation for dialogue and conversation on internet from the beginning just as you do for everyday communication. Even before they are in social networks, talk to your kids about technology as a whole. This can help lay the groundwork for future talks.

4) Take advantage of key moments. There are many natural situations to have these conversations with your son when you receive your first cell phone (it’s a good time to establish ground rules) when he turns 13 years old and is old enough to join Facebook age, Instagram and other social media services, or when you get your driver’s license (it’s a good time to talk about the importance of not texting while driving).

5 ) Ask your children to teach you. Are not you on Instagram? Maybe you are interested in testing a streaming music service? If your kids are already familiar with these services, they can be an excellent resource. The conversation can also be an opportunity to discuss the problems of security, privacy and protection. For example, maybe you can ask questions about the privacy settings when you set your own Facebook . Moreover, as most parents know well, your children will appreciate the opportunity to teach.

This list is only a starting point and may not exactly suits the needs of your family. The important thing is to have that conversation.



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