Monday, September 26, 2016

Nasa detects potential emissions of steam on the moon Europe of Jupiter – The Voice of Interior

Nasa reported that the Hubble space telescope has detected a potential emissions of water vapor in the moon’s icy Europa, the planet Jupiter.

The finding raises the possibility that the missions sent to Europe in the future they can analyze the ocean of the moon frost without drilling kilometres of ice.

Europe is one of the leading candidates to host life outside of Earth.

In 2012, the Hubble had detected a similar phenomenon at the anuciado, but the data was not conclusive. This new finding adds more evidence that the satellite has a great ocean subsurface.

there are Already a lot of indirect evidence on the presence of a liquid ocean. For example, the mass and size of Europe indicate that the only density according to those values, is water.

in Addition, the way the moon interacts with Jupiter’s magnetic field is only feasible if it is a body fluid and salt.

The soft surface and frozen in Europe is also an indirect evidence that there is an ocean underground. Nor does it have craters, so it is an area of no more than 50 million years. That is to say, the surface of the planet is fed from any source to recover its softness.

New missions

The European Space Agency is planning a mission to study the moons jovianas. The spacecraft Juice is scheduled for 2022.

And to this date, the Nasa plan to send a spacecraft that made flybys of the satellite. Both projects will take more than five years to reach their destination.


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