Monday, August 22, 2016

Facebook Poke: one of the failures of Mark Zuckerberg – ActualAPP

In all social networks are tools that almost no one uses for its limited use and Mark Zuckerberg has no exceptions. Entertaining but useless, everyone knows the touches of Facebook. This feature of the social network has since its inception implemented, but its usefulness is such that virtually no one uses this option. For those who do not know what a touch on the social network, it is simply a warning. When we go to the wall of another person have an option called “a touch”.

Is it for something? Not too much. In doing so the other person will receive notice as we have given a touch, and with a click may be returned. Basically this is bullshit for picarse with friends (and you can get to engage). Following this role he was born an application for Smartphone still bearing the same name had a different function that many will ring them. Your name? Facebook Poke .

 Facebook Poke

This app was born in 2012 along with another called Facebook Camera, each a major failure. Facebook Poke came to be a kind of Snapchat to mark Zuckerberg, and it could give a touch to contacts in text, photo and video erased last few seconds (Do you sound of something that description?).

at that time Snapchat was already beginning to have a major success, and apparently the founder of Facebook had an obsession with the information they self-destructed (jealous of Snapchat, probably) but it did not go well the tables. Both Facebook Poke as Facebook Camera were removed from the market a year and a half after being released for being used very little detail that was not too positive. He also formed an abysmal victory for Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown, responsible for developing the application with the ghost icon.

Snapchat has always been one of the crosshairs of Zuckerberg, although the Facebook touches and tools such absurd not succeed, the famous creator of the social network tried to buy Snapchat to solve his obsession with the information expires. For this he offered no less than the sum of 3 billion dollars, an amount that can not be ignored. To his surprise Snapchat rejected the offer, leaving the two candles millionaire who found other options on their own. We speak specifically Instagram Stories, because since I had previously bought Instagram for a billion dollars thought take advantage.

 Facebook Poke

As Mark Zuckerberg has tied up with the invention! Despite already having many users using it, he received a barrage of criticism blatantly plagiarize Snapchat. And it is not surprising, because the functions are literally the same: it seems we are facing a war without quarter. In one corner, the colossal F having half the planet under his feet, and in the other the happy ghost that has been gaining a place among users with constant updates with little thing and patience. Who wins

To learn more about Instagram Stories , we recommend reading the following article:

Arrives Instagram Stories, the Snapchat Instagram


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