Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Microsoft has patented a `Surface Phone folding – ComputerWorld Venezuela

microsoft-patent-surface-phoneThe Office of Patents and Trademarks united States (USPTO) has already approved this patent in 2014.

In 2009, Microsoft ignited the minds of consumers with Courier, the concept of phone/tablet folding that was eventually cancelled. Years later, a new type of patent seems to indicate that the company has not given up completely to your idea.

Microsoft provides for creating a mobile device with a visual field that extends across a folding screen, similar to the concept of dual-screen Courier.

this Is an idea emocinante, but there is an important caveat: it is a patent, of 2014 the Patent and Trademark Office U.s. (USPTO, for its acronym in English) is finally adopted, not one that the company recently applied for. This shows that Microsoft was looking ambitious mobile devices folding in a time in which the landscape of mobile computing was much more favorable to the company than it is today.

today, the market share for mobile company of Redmond is situated below 1%, while Android and iOS continue to dominate the mobile landscape.

however, the Microsoft patent is intriguing, at the very least. It is concluded that phablets represent a settlement of poor, combining the portability of a phone with big screen and easy to read from a tablet. The Microsoft patent, with the option to fold, you can become a phone with a large screen and thin the spread.

however, there are still some loose ends with this concept as, for example, what to do with the part of the screen that has been folded and is out of sight. The screens consume energy, and any can be turned off partially, can only darken completely. Unless Microsoft has developed a way to turn off the part of the screen is not in use, the phone will consume the energy of a tablet.

enthusiasts of Microsoft have not given up the idea that the Surface Phone exists somewhere in a research laboratory of the company. The patent verifies one of the important aspects: it is in line with the current thinking that a Surface Phone may not necessarily be a phone.



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