WhatsApp announced that the two-step verification, whose testing began in November, is now available for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone. This feature reinforces the encrypted end-to-end the instant messaging service added in the past year.
The two-step verification adds a layer of security to the user against the possibility that someone will want to read your messages.
As a measure regular for the activation of the app, WhatsApp sends a message text to phone number registered, which you must enter when you start a session.
The new verification of two steps required to create a second, only know the user and that WhatsApp does not save. This code must be entered each time you login after you receive it as a text message.
To activate it you must enter the menu "Settings", select "Account" and then the option "Check in two steps", where you should click on "Activate".
then, the system will ask you to add an email address to remember the password.
it is Worth to detail that WhatsApp will ask enter the code repeatedly to avoid that the six digits of the initial code may be forgotten or fall into the wrong hands. This application periodically may not be disabled.
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