Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Astronomers to study dark matter in space –

An international team of astronomers has observed in four galaxies colliding how a cluster of dark matter appears to fall behind the galaxy to the surrounding, indicating that this matter could have interacted with it same regardless of the force of gravity.

As reported by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in a statement, work, collected in the latest issue of the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ‘, shows an unusual behavior, other than the knowledge that had until now about the nature of this mysterious dark matter component of the universe.

Although dark matter not visible, scientists were able to deduce their location due to the distorting effect that its mass in the light of the background galaxies, a technique called gravitational lensing. On this occasion, the key provided fifth galaxy located beyond the collision, whose light reached Earth distorted after passing through the collision of galaxies observed.

Astronomers already know that all galaxies exist within clumps of dark matter and that without the binding effect of the gravity of this matter, galaxies like the Milky Way, would disintegrate when turning.

is thus estimated that 85 percent of the mass of the universe must be dark matter, although its true nature remains a mystery. According to scientific Liliya Williams, University of Minnesota if it is found that the dark matter can interact with other forces, some theories about what might be dark matter would be discarded.



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