Sunday, April 19, 2015

The foldable helmet fit into Spanish cyclist becomes fashionable … –


The Valencian Design Closca emerging company, founded in 2011, has just launched
 market the second generation of his helmet, Closca Fuga, an evolution of
 his first design and which have consolidated their presence as a brand
 internationally in over 60 countries, with sales in the web and Distributors

USA and Canada particularly appreciated the design, innovation and aesthetics
 different from this new product and account for 40% of its sales, but also
 has been introduced in Japan, Germany and the UK, in addition to Spain.

The new center was the result of nearly two years of work and investment
 has resulted in a “highly competitive” product, both
 functionality and aesthetics and style.

“We wanted to make the helmet a fashion accessory and promote their use,
 from the obligatory “but making the rider so integrated into their
 dress, told Efe the co-founder, Carlos Ferrando.

The need to enhance the design led them to partner with a consultant
 creative to create a product under guidelines, preferences and opinions
 urban cyclists themselves have made and the result is a helmet,
 “Simple, minimalist and beautiful”.

Exactly what gives this personality are “two horizontal lines and
 a complex mechanism but hidden “user that allows
 “Fold and leave it up, like a book, in one motion and less
 a second “, which reduces its size by more than 50% by volume and
 can be stored in any bag or backpack.

This new product has received the Red Dot Design Award 2015, considered one
 of the most prestigious awards in international design, which for their
 creators has been “a hallmark of which is a product
 real “and” a trusted certificate to the client. “

Ferrando says her sights are set on those who use the bicycle as
 means of transport, especially for work because “there is much
 potential “-and there are companies and countries like France that enhance its use with
 payment of kilometers to their workers, and an “opportunity to
 achieve significant social impact. “

The company started thanks to the contribution of $ 60,000 (about
 45,700 euros) achieved in American microfinance platform
 Kickstarter and its first product turnover of 160,000 euros, its creators
 have reinvested to create the new Closca Fuga (“closca” means
 shell in Valencian).

For Ferrando, is “turning a security element
 fashion accessory and promote that more people use the helmet and bike because
 feel safer. “

Currently, the company is in a US platform
 reserves, which already has 500 clients including Google employees, to
 those waiting to serve your product He gets 72 euros now and then
 will rise to 90- within three to four weeks.


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