Friday, April 17, 2015

Dogs and humans reinforce bonding with the look – The Universal

The dog and human react to hormonal level when viewed, which strengthens bonding in a very similar way to what happens when parents and babies make contact visual, according to research published today.

 The study, published in the journal Science, found that glances between dog owners and their pets generated in both species increased hormone called oxytocin, which is responsible for strengthening the bond between parents and children and between couples.


 The analysis included several experiments that suggest that humans and dogs have developed this interaction, which seems unique among different animal species, through the alliance that have kept for thousands of years during domestication of dogs.


 Led by a group of Japanese researchers, the study noted that the exchange of glances can cause humans to experience similar levels to those who feel affection for a loved one, which explains the powerful bond that often unites members of both species .


 Experiments were also conducted with Wolves, which did not show the same hormonal reaction, although they had been raised by humans. It is believed that the bond between dogs and people is a mechanism developed for centuries.


 One of the experiments was to keep the dogs with their owners in a room for 30 minutes. The researchers divided pets into two groups: those with lingering looks and throwing brief glances towards their owners.


 The dogs looked at their owners longer showed a significant increase in their levels of oxytocin, and that eye contact also caused a rise in the levels of this hormone in their human caregivers.




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