Friday, November 13, 2015

They stopped car unmanned Google for “go slow” – The

Of all the projects of autonomous vehicles around the world, that of Google is the best known. The company has released many of the milestones of the program, including the photo released last night from one of their cars being stopped by police.

As the company reported on Google+, the arrest occurred because the car He circulated very slow. “Driving too slow? Bet that humans are not stopped by this so often,” he wrote.

The situation was confirmed by police in Mountain View, California city where the offices of Google are and home to most of the evidence of autonomous vehicles. As detailed in his blog, the arrest occurred Thursday when a “traffic officer noticed a traffic jam behind a car moving slowly,” adding that the car was traveling at 38 km / h in an area of ​​56 km / h.

“When the officer approached the car she realized that it was an autonomous vehicle Google. I stopped the car and made contact with operators to learn more about how the car was choosing his speed on some streets and to educate operators on preventing trafficking, “he explained the police, indicating that the car is only allowed to drive on streets with a maximum speed of 56 km / h (35 mph).

The standard California for testing autonomous vehicles also determine that a human driver must be present in the car at all times and should have a handlebar and pedals to take control when necessary.

Meanwhile, Google He explained that their prototypes have a maximum speed of 40 km / h. “We want to be friendly and accessible, rather than move quickly in neighborhoods,” said the program team. “As this officer, people sometimes when we want to know more about our project. After more than 1,900 kilometers of autonomous driving, we are proud to say that we have never been fined”


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