Tuesday, February 2, 2016

8 songs and the book that Bill Gates would take to a desert island – National Context

Monday, February 1, 2016 23:10

In a BBC interview with Bill Gates speaks like never before on his rebellious childhood, his youth and his relationship with the girls, the love he had for his Porsche 911, the first time he met his wife Melinda and his friendship with Steve Jobs, among others.

Microsoft tycoon also has 8 songs, book and luxury item that would take to a desert island.

Read here the highlights of this interview Gates offered radio program BBC “Desert Island Discs”.

Child difficult

At age 12, Gates said, his parents sent him to a psychologist .

“It was a little disturbing. Early on I questioned if the rules were logical, and why should always respect them. So there was a bit of tension because I resisted. The [psychologist] that I sent was very good person and I began to read a lot about psychology, Freud and other things. “

” I was convinced that it was unfair to face my parents and I really was not showing anything. So when I turned 14 I had already passed, which is good because they supported me a lot when you start typing software and learn about computers. “


Paul Allen, who later became co-founder of Microsoft, was a couple of years more advanced in the same school where he studied Gates. Together they manipulated the software program of the school to ensure that Gates was the only kid in class full of girls .

“We modified the program with Paul. Unfortunately for him, he was two more advanced years and then went to college. So was I who benefited from at least having pretty girls sitting next “.

” Not that I dared to speak, but at least they were there. It was hard to talk to girls and think, ‘Well, you ask them to go with you or not?’ When I went to Harvard was a bit more sociable, but was still below the average in terms of talking to girls “<. /> p>


Gates left Harvard at age 19 to found Microsoft with Allen.

“Paul and I had scheduled leftovers to be able to save some money. So finance (business) ourselves and we had enough money to hire people.

“We made many mistakes because everything was new to us. How operas in Japan? I’m hiring my senior people, and I can not even rent a car because I’m 21 years old. It was crazy. “

Gates acknowledged in a moment he lost his driver’s license for speeding.

” ago while I’m over it. But then my first car was a Porsche 911. One of my few vices was going with my car to the mountain at night to meditate on our strategy. “


“I worked weekends, did not really believe in the holidays,” Gates says of his early years in charge of Microsoft.

“I had to be careful to avoid applying my standards about how hard you should work the others (in the company). I knew all the plates so when looking at the car park could tell when people came. In the end I had to lower the pressure when the company reached a reasonable size ” .


We asked him if he was ruthless in business.

“It’s hard to compete with someone who is committed to the volume and he says, ‘You know what ?, keep these rock-bottom prices’. That’s very intimidating and if we did go aggressive. “

Steve Jobs

” Steve was really a singular character in the history of computing staff for what he did at Apple. At times we were true allies working together. I wrote software for the Apple II Original. Sometimes it was very hard on you, you encouraged other much. He knew how to bring out the best in people at work. “

” In the early years, all the intensity it had to do with work. When Steve got sick, it was closer when we talked about our lives and our children. Steve was a genius, I was engineer it.

Marriage Melinda

Gates described the first time he saw the woman who would become his wife.

“There was a meeting of Microsoft in New York and was the second last to arrive. I sat down and she was the last to arrive. He sat next to me and asked if I wanted to go dancing that . night She had been with other people to exit So a few weeks later I saw her in the parking lot and said. ‘Hey, can you come out in a couple of weeks?’ And I said that was not enough for her spontaneous “.

None of them imagined that their relationship would last.

” It was still a fanatic, was willing to twenties to say that the work was the center of my . Life So I would not marry or have children But I knew that eventually I would like that and came at the right time, and fell in love I had to think about it a little, but I told myself. “

.” ‘Yeah , change my priorities. “And now you know that we had enough vacation.”

help society

Parents Gates were involved in an NGO including family planning organization Planned Parenthood.

“remains controversial in parts of the US, that’s true. But my parents believed in it. My father ran. So I got a good example of trying to help society. “

Gates says that he and his wife is very important to eliminate diseases that kill children under five years and distribute your money” more effectively. “

” There’ll spend it on yourself. And we believe that only a small proportion should go to our children, to have their own careers and find a way to prosper themselves. So that leaves us to Melinda and my work on how to spend it in the most needy of the world. “

” After a trip to Africa, we really started to learn about diseases. We were surprised that, for every $ 1,000 you took, if we did well we could save a life. “

The 8 songs, book and luxury item that Bill Gates will lead to a Desert Island

David Bowie and Queen – “Under Pressure”: “In the twenties and thirties he worked hard. But some Friday and Saturday we went to dance and this reminds me of my days of disco – Blue Skies “

Willie Nelson.” “:” My wife Melinda and I loved to Willie Nelson. So as a surprise, it coordinated to come the night before our wedding. We were on a beach in Hawaii and we went walking along the sand with his guitar and said. ‘Well there it is, let this guy sing us some songs’

Ed Sheeran – “Sing”: ” My children, who were 19, 16 and 13, refreshed my taste in music when listening to the radio or music playing on their phones. This is one my son loves Phoebe 13 years “.

Jimi Hendrix – “Are You Experienced”: “Because I was younger, (Paul Allen) I sometimes teased with the title of the song ‘You Experience’ because I had not drunk me and stuff, so this is one of my . favorite

U2 – “One”: “Paul told me I should meet Bono, but gave no priority. Finally we met and I was impressed by how he thought about the overall health so we started an alliance. It was amazing

The Beatles – “Two of Us”. “. Steve [Jobs] loved music and loved the Beatles, like me and I actually mentioned this song,” Two of Us “, saying it was the kind of trip in which we embarked and which would compete and would work together”

How Can Love Survive, The Sound of Music. “Melinda and I loved “The Sound of Music” when we meet (the investor and philanthropist) Warren Buffet and his wife sang a song from “The Sound of Music” for us. In fact, this is one we had not heard that appeared in the musical . Broadway but not in the movie It’s a nice song so Melinda and I consider it one of our favorite

My Shot from Hamilton, the music. “It’s about a young person who says, ‘Hey I take risks. Me I’ll play and I try to do something new and different. “

Book and luxury item

Bill Gates chose” Los Angeles that took inside ” Steven Pinker. When asked for a luxury item, he said, “Well, I suppose an internet connection but surely it is violating the rules.” Instead he called for “a few DVD of the best classes that were never taught in the World”

Source:. http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2016/02/160201_cultura_bill_gates_melinda_entrevista_steve_jobs_microsoft_ad

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