Tuesday, February 2, 2016

They argue that the time is just an illusion – Context

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 10:09

How where it is possible to subdivide the time? Or, put another way, what is the smallest unit of time that allows nature? The answer has profound implications for both science to philosophy, and an international team of researchers has shown that the smallest unit of time possible goes far beyond what was thought. The work was recently published in The European Physical Journal.

But look. Although at first glance may seem possible to divide time into smaller and smaller intervals, even to infinity, physics tells us that is not the case and the child physically representative as possible time interval is called the Planck time, which equals 10-43 seconds, that is, to one ten septillionth of a second. This, then, in shorter time interval in which the laws of physics can still be used to study the nature of the universe. The limit means that any two events can not be separated by a time interval less than this.

Or at least this is what was thought until now. But Mir Faizal, from the Universities of Waterloo and Lethbridge in Canada, Mohammed M. Khali, University of Alexandria in Egypt and Saurya Das, also of the University of Lethbridge, proposing, in effect, that the least possible time interval could overcome even by several orders of magnitude, while Planck. In addition, physicists have shown that the mere existence of this new “minimum” can alter the basic equations of quantum mechanics. And since quantum mechanics describes (the subatomic particles) physical on a very small scale systems, the result would be a profound change in the description of reality as we know it.

“It could explains Faizal- be the minimum possible time scale in the universe goes far beyond the Planck time. And it also can be tested experimentally. “

But back, for now, while Planck, which in itself is so short that no one in any laboratory in the world has yet managed to examine directly. And in science, and in the basic sciences, the practice is always far behind the theory. The most accurate measurements, have indeed achieved results only at intervals of about 10? 17 seconds, far from the Planck time 10-43, and make progress one level of magnitude may pose more decades of effort, research and technological development.

However, theoretically nothing prevents the Planck time considered as something very real, a magnitude that works very well in various fields of study, such as quantum gravity or string theory . It turns out that all these theories suggest that it is not possible to measure a length less than the Planck length, and by extension a time shorter than the Planck time. The Planck time is defined as the time it takes a photon in a vacuum, to travel the Planck length at the speed of light.

The structure of time

Motivated by a number of recent theoretical studies, the researchers decided to dig deeper into the question of the structure of time, particularly in the long-debated question of whether the time is “discrete” or “continuous”. The difference between the two possibilities is enormous. If time were “discreet” it means that would result in a succession of “fixed” and still, as if it were the frame of a movie moments. In this case, our perception of the passage of time would be an illusion, caused by the passage of the frames one after another.

Conversely, if time were “ongoing” It would mean that between any two points on the timeline would be possible to place an infinite number of other time points. In this case, time does not consist of “fixed frame”, but would flow continuously.

“In our study Faizal- propose assures that time is discrete, and have even suggested several ways to prove experimentally.”

One of the experiments proposed by the team of scientists is to measure the spontaneous emission of a hydrogen atom. The equations of quantum mechanics modified with new ideas scientists predict, in effect, a subtle difference in the rate of spontaneous emission with respect to the equations unchanged. And the effects observed in these measurements can be observed in the rates of decay of these particles and unstable nuclei.

Based on its analysis of the spontaneous emission of hydrogen, the researchers were able to estimate that the minimum interval possible time is several orders of magnitude above the Planck time. Faizal and his colleagues also suggest that the changes proposed in the basic equations of quantum mechanics could change our concept of time as well as its definition. And explain that the term structure could be considered similar to a crystalline structure, which consists of discrete segments that are repeated regularly.

In more philosophical terms, the argument that the term structure is “discreet” suggests our perception of time as something that constantly flows would be nothing but an illusion.

“The physical universe explains Faizal- is actually a motion picture film, in which a series of frames fixed projected on a screen create the illusion of moving images before. Therefore, if this view is taken seriously, then our conscious perception of physical reality based on continuous movement becomes an illusion produced a discrete underlying mathematical structure. “

” The proposal continues the researcher becomes a reality Plato physical in nature, “referring to Plato’s argument that there is a true reality that is independent our senses. “However, unlike the theories of Platonic idealism, our proposal can be tested experimentally, not just philosophically argued.”

Source : http://www.abc.es/ciencia/abci-y-si-paso-tiempo-no-fuera-mas-ilusion-201602020833_noticia.html

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