Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Argentine companies are betting on “Internet of things” to improve productivity – BAE Journal

Currently, 15% of Argentine companies and implements technology IoT (Internet of Things). In simple words, when we speak of ‘Internet of Things’ is a network of objects interconnected via the Internet.

In Argentina, 20% of companies plan to apply IoT during 2016 to improve and streamline their operational tasks.

From the recent technological advances in communication between machines, companies from different industries are in the IoT the ability to generate essential data to enable them to develop strategies to achieve operational optimization. “The application of this technology is very important in the corporate strategy, due to the advantages offered by both reducing operating costs, automation of processes and saving time,” said Marcela Carbajo, CEO of MovilGate , a firm that develops corporate mobile solutions

The IoT is redefining marketing strategies, product design, consumer loyalty, decision-making and post-sale services. That is why, according to IDC, over the next five years, more than 80% of companies are going to need a business plan that includes the IoT as all industries to some extent, have begun to adopt initiatives this type.

In turn, since the consultant indicate that by 2018, 16% of the world population will be ‘millennial’, which will accelerate the adoption of the IoT through the reality of living in a constantly connected world

Currently in Argentina, leading the industry trend to further growth are transport and logistics with 38% of application, from the control and monitoring of fleets.; those in the health sector, with 27%, applying the technology to control the temperature of medicines and medical devices monitoring, and finally the restaurant industry with 18%, through the implementation of comprehensive control solutions temperature and gases.

efficient processes

With the help of the Internet of Things concept Machine-To-Machine (M2M) you are as a general and broad notion referring to the connection, communication and exchange of information between devices that can streamline processes, make them more efficient and free people of tasks that may be difficult or dangerous to their safety.

The application of M2M avoid losses and optimize costs through online monitoring and remote, for example, when connecting equipment factories, container distribution and shipping, agricultural equipment, industrial furnaces, fleets or remote workers.

Some companies are already implementing such new services which operate according to their needs and the industry in which they find themselves. For instance, Argentina Airlines already has a system which provides information on the time of flight, crew of each aircraft and the location of the limos that will bring those crew members must leave.

The M2M telemetry systems allow data collected by sensors, which are sent wirelessly to a network, which is then directed (usually the Internet) to a platform for exploitation. One of the services that can be offered is counting, control and detection of people with which you can monitor income and expenditure flow in various spaces at home and shopping.

There is also a tool for monitoring and alerts on cold chain and direct sound, visual and SMS alerts in the event of any alteration or modification in the normal temperature range being monitored.

The trend has strong presence in Argentina

Internet of Things made steady progress throughout the world and Argentina is no exception. Industry experts estimate that in the country there are more than 2 million connections. In 2014, there were 1.2 million and 15.4 million expected in 2024, if the expansion of wireless networks is maintained, according to figures released by the nonprofit organization 4G Americas, composed of companies in the sector.

can be connections in cars, to bracelets or other devices that alert health by an abnormality in vital signs, in addition to surveillance cameras, electric gates or air conditioners that can be activated from the Mobile, among other possibilities. 4G Americas, the “availability of wireless networks will be key to the future development of the machine-to-machine connections in productive sectors and social development in Latin America.”

It is expected that the region will increase from M2M links 14.6 million in 2014 to 158.9 million by 2024, according to the study released by the Machina Research entity.


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