Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Internet of things: a concept that transcends technology and change the way of life – ebizLatam PointCast

In recent years we have seen how innovation has been interference in the ways that countries are reconfigured, religions, economy and unprecedented speed, the technology itself. There have been changes in all aspects of life, generating disruptive processes in society and in the business world as a whole. They have created new ways to consume, to communicate, to mobilize, to work and concepts have emerged whose imprint is outlining the evolution of cities, governments, business and life itself. In the case of Internet of Things , Internet of Things or IoT , as it is more commonly known.

How IoT impact on the companies’ business? How it will affect daily life? And how in the economy of the country? What is the state of IT market situation today? What is the strategy, if any, of technology companies to join and take advantage of a trend that promises millions and forced to be part of it to not get in the way? These are just some of the questions that arise when talking about IoT.

Internet of Things is a way of referring to the concept that raises the idea of ​​connecting everyday objects to the Internet, while, among themselves. This, from a technological point of view; but technology is only one of the edges regard to this concept gradually gaining ground among companies. In fact, economists talk of an “e conomy of sharing” , a paradigm shift that seeks to improve the quality of life of users, which also applies to several vertical markets.

In the first industrial revolution social changes were based on three main pillars: transport, communication and energy. Then the second revolution brought a technical and scientific breakthrough that acted as its central axis. Today, we live in a third “industrial revolution” which stars Internet and renewables.

In this regard, Jeremy Rifkin , refers in his book “ Society zero marginal cost “ to the emergence of a new economic system in the world scene, the collaborative commons , an economic paradigm that is transforming the way of organizing economic life of citizens and offering the possibility of democratizing the global economy. In one of his lectures, the economist stated: “ Openness is what has made the Internet a success. Ensuring that everyone has access to the network and that no one is discriminated against is essential to protect the universal inclusion. We need to ensure a set of codes, regulations and standards to promote to promote interoperability. Attempts to close parts of the Internet of Things are totally contrary to what this technology generates a game-changer for society. ”

It is increasingly common to find applications where various objects are connected together and are able to sensorizar, monitor and manage data in an automated fashion. IoT is no longer the potential to become a consolidated trend in a market society. Whether applied to transport, health or cities and smart homes, promising millions in profits in the world, as a result of the investments that companies and organizations are taking place around it.


In this line, as Gartner 2020 the world will have approximately 26 billion devices adapted to the Internet of Things . IDC , that figure will -to the same year closer to 30 billion (of which 81% are houses and Smart) buildings, and will result in business 1,700 billion .

In terms of regions, Asia-Pacific is the undisputed leader when it comes to investment in IoT, having co-opted over 40% of the total worldwide. In second and third place, North America and Western Europe are located, respectively, where they have invested 250,000 million in 2015. On the other hand, regions that experience the highest growth in IoT spending over the next five years will be Latin America ( . 26.5%), followed by Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe

In terms of vertical markets, manufacturing and transportation will lead the era of Internet of Things in the immediate: 165,600 and 78,700 million dollars respectively. While in the coming years, consumption, health and insurance will be other more bet for the hyper markets.

In Latin America, the fastest growing category is the maintenance and agricultural services, where data are measured automatically, recorded and transferred remotely from the field for monitoring and use by specialists. From the technical point of view, the ideal time Internet of Things live. It is something that will transform the whole world, comparable with sparking Internet when it emerged. From a more commercial view, it is undeniable that the projection is and this applies to many vertical.


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