Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Let bridges instead of walls: Zuckerberg – The Universal

[email protected]

To Mark Zuckerberg the future is to build bridges and not walls. The founder of the social network Facebook, which has more than 1.6 billion users in the world criticized those who seek to create physical divisions instead of uniting.

During an event in California, especially for developers, and broadcast live at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), he said: “instead of building walls we can help build bridges, one must have the courage to choose hope before succumbing to fear”

so he began his speech, in which no explicit reference to his compatriot Donald Trump, disagreed publicly with what he said the Republican candidate in their speeches, insisting on the construction of a border wall between Mexico and the United States.

Mexico is on the radar of Facebook, which is one of the 10 countries most applications produce it.

the businessman presented a map of what will be the development technology in 10 years and made several announcements that are intended to achieve connectivity worldwide.

Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will work to reduce the world’s digital divide that keeps 4 billion people without connectivity . He said that the total of those who have no connection, one billion do not have a close network, another billion can not afford it and two billion more have the money and the chance to be near the net, but they are not interested in that space.

He detailed that it will launch its first satellite to achieve connect millions of people, who have two systems for connectivity in rural and urban areas, and develop applications that need only a quarter of spending data what previously required.

he showed part of what your company is innovating, such as construction of a solar aircraft panels, which will be able to issue everyone a sign internet.

in the event, which highlighted that 70% of Facebook applications are developed outside the United States, also announced that the platform Messenger, in which 600 billion messages per day are dumped, have a further growth.

Among the projects are the chatbots messaging -Programmes interactivos- response through the Messenger application.

the aim is to bring users companies and brands as customers and get a response through automated support; the new platform will allow people to talk to the same companies that do with family and friends in Messenger.

Developers can build chatbots using artificial intelligence and processing natural language to understand what customers need.

Zuckerberg presented the progress of your company in the area of ​​virtual reality and augmented reality through the Oculus technology with sunglasses normal appearance, which transmit digital visual elements that can shift in an instant the user scenarios around the world.

the transmission was at 12:00 in the auditorium Sotero Prieto of the Annex to the Faculty of Engineering, which added to 28 venues in the world to follow live the arrival of Zuckerberg on stage.

a long line was made in the previous audience at the beginning of the transmission with students and ex University students. The small room could only accommodate 200 people and dozens were left out no option to watch the broadcast which was jointly organized by Facebook Mexico and the Laboratory of Mobile Innovation UNAM Mobile.

The live signal failed in several moments, sometimes the original English sound was heard and there was a time when they had to give the microphone to the translator of the audience.

During the presentation, Zuckerberg explained that the beta version of Facebook Messenger will be a new communication channel to perform ordering, booking flights or receive personalized news without installing additional applications.

is expected to advance eliminate waiting times in lines care companies to consult a price or availability of a product.

He said the aim is that everyone has the power to share whatever they want with whomever they choose. “Whether you want to show something to your friends, start a business or solving health problems, it is best to connect and this world.”


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