Monday, December 29, 2014

Snowden NSA reveals gaps within their battle against … – RT in Spanish – International News

New documents reveal that the US National Security Agency (NSA, for its acronym in English) is not capable of breaking all communications technologies on the Internet, so that their attempts to decrypt security protocols have not always been successful.

The National Security Agency US (NSA, for its acronym in English) can not to deal with some of the security protocols and most popular encryption systems used for encrypting communications on the Internet as revealed new classifieds has unveiled the excontratista NSA Edward Snowden documents, reports the German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Analysts divided NSA communications services Five according to difficulty levels to attack with a range that goes from the “trivial” to the “catastrophic” beginning complications from the fourth level.

The article, based on a report classified the end of 2012, provides that the NSA found problems “major” in deciphering messages sent through the mail service Zoho , track users on the network Tor and break the encryption courier Off-the-Record or Truecrypt . The publication notes that these actions become “catastrophic” when the target track using a specific combination of tools , such as the Tor network with the system CSpace IM and ZRTP protocol.

Also, Jacob Appelbaum, co-author, states that “the efforts of the NSA can be understood as a form of ‘ neo ‘ in the context of the digital age, where The United States has invested billions in recent decades in order to cope with the tools that allow private conversations on the web “.


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