Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Curiosity is evidence of salty liquid water on Mars – The Times


Curiosity finds evidence of salty liquid water on Mars. – Efe

Madrid <- - end pub!> |

Whether Mars may have had or has a livable environment is one of the objectives of Curiosity robot, now found evidence of liquid salt water (brine) on the red planet, at least in the first five centimeters from the floor of Gale Crater and overnight.

Since the Curiosity (NASA) landed on the surface of Mars in August 2012 was sending a battery of data have shown, among others, the presence of fluctuations of methane in the atmosphere of this planet or fixed nitrogen in sediments.

These findings could be related to a possible biological activity. And is that the nitrogen, for example, is known to be an essential element for life, also water.

Now, with Spanish and Russian REMS instrument DAN, Curiosity found that in the crater Mars Gale conditions

will be met and there brine, salt-laden water. The results of this new finding published in the journal Nature Geoscience, in an article headed by Javier Martin-Torres, Institute Andalusian Earth Sciences (CSIC and the University of Granada) and Lulea University of Technology (Sweden).

“This is the first evidence that conditions exist on Mars is found that liquid water, “explained the researcher, who nevertheless said that these environmental conditions occur at night and not during the day.

This is because Mars differences between day and night They are radical: to 90 degrees difference in temperature and relative humidity in the environment that can vary from 100 percent of the night and almost zero percent during the day

What conditions. are those that have found the Curiosity for researchers deduced that there brine at night? As explained Martin-Torres, the robot collected during a Martian year, which is equivalent to almost two terrestres- years and nine kilometers, data relative humidity, temperature and pressure.

Further analysis of these parameters is what has given researchers clues about the possible existence of brine.

The salts of the Martian surface would have the ability to absorb water vapor from the atmosphere during the evening and especially in winter , water would evaporate after sunrise, Spanish researcher said.

Liquid water is a prerequisite for life as we know it.

Although there are now signs the existence of liquid water on Mars, the environmental conditions of the planet prevent life, “at least as we know it”: temperatures in the crater Gale are too low for metabolism and cell reproduction, as is currently occurring on Earth, Martin-Torres said.

“However, the possibility of liquid water on Mars has huge implications for the habitability of the planet, for future exploration and geological processes are related to water, “said the scientist.

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