Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mosquitoes smell DNA, no blood – Digital López Dóriga

Although popularly said that the mosquitoes bite “people of fresh blood,” the fact is that these insects have a predilection for bite certain people because of their DNA, according to a study by the universities of London, Florida and Nottingham.

The study is supported in tests to 18 identical twins, who share 100 percent of their genetic material, and 19 twins, which were exposed to mosquito bites.

Although mosquitoes prefer to only one of the twins, they showed an interest equally in groups of identical twins, suggesting that these animals can detect some genetic component by the smell coming from a human being and appeals to the bug.

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Among the factors that influence a person is susceptible to pitting of these bugs are sweat, odor and body temperature, bacteria from the skin, dark clothes, if you are pregnant and even if beer is drunk.

But the DNA is crucial, because in the event that two people in the same conditions are drinking beer outdoors, the mosquito prefer one of them for their genetic material, the scientists said.

While this is a great discovery, finding the specific compound of the 400 types that are exuded by humans, it would be very difficult, said James Logan, who led the study published in the journal PLoS ONE

Relation & # XF3;. n between identical and fraternal twins by mosquitoes. Stock
Relationship between identical and fraternal twins by mosquitoes. Stock

The next step is to know which genes are related to the control of body odor and affecting the choice of blood to the mosquito and is essential in the production of eggs of these insects, Logan said.

While those who do not get bitten by insects, the study suggests that perhaps not due to qualities, metabolic but in their genes has developed a method of natural defense protects bites and therefore transmission of viruses such as dengue and chikungunya.

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