Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Facebook show more friends and fewer retailers – Journal Pagina Siete

The World / Spain

“Hallelujah!” will think more than one after reading the headline. The nth
 algorithm change Facebook
(that determines what you see on your wall)
 will prevail content to publish and share your contacts especially
 those with the most detrimental interactúes- pages
 corporate to which you follow.

The company has decided to change its mathematical formula later
 the traffic of Facebook promoted from the pages of media
 communication has doubled in the last 18 months, and seeks pages
 choose corporate sponsored “content to ensure that
 reach the right audience. “In short, to pay for

“The goal of the News Feed is to show the content that interests you.
 This means we need to provide the right mix between updates
 friends and public figures, media, local businesses and corporations with
 you are not connected. The balance is different depending on the person, and
 depends on what interests you every day. As more people and more pages are
 content sharing, we need to improve the News Feed to keep the
 right balance, “says Facebook in your blog.

To implement the changes, Facebook asked users to rate their
 planks and indicate how they might be improved. After analysis, plus
 hide the “I like you” and opinions of others, the social network will
 launched two other modifications. One aimed at “improving the experience
 the users who do not have much content available in your
 wall “(for example, those that follow for most people).

So far, the algorithm prevented many publications will be displayed
 one source column; from now it will happen. In
 practice, this will mean that if a user has 10 friends, and one of them is
 those who “lives”
 on Facebook (it’s the only way to explain how you can manage your account
 some people), the social network does not limit the amount of contents
 show that user, which may cope wide plank.

That for users with fewer interactions. And for the ‘masters’ of
, those with a level of ‘popularity’ in the similar to the quarterback in the movies American Institute network, there are also changes. The
 publications and friends to interact more -photos, videos,
 status updates or bookmark will appear at the top of News
 Feed, so they do not go unnoticed in the sea of
 publications. The media content or pages that follow will
 appearing, but the “personal” matters prevail.


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