Sunday, April 3, 2016

Earth astronomers propose hide to avoid alien invasion – La Prensa de Honduras

Washington, United States.

The renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking has warned humanity that there is life on other world and that the visit aliens to our planet could be as devastating as the arrival of the Spaniards to America in 1492.

the theory of Hawking is followed closely two astronomers from the University of Columbia in New York, who to prevent possible annihilation human race are proposing to use laser to hide the Land of possible extraterrestrial enemies.

professor David Kipping and astronomer Alex Teachey published Thursday an article in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society on how our planet can hide from other forms of intelligent life you might want to exploit the Earth for their natural resources.

Kipping and Teachey speculate that aliens might use this same method to locate our planet, which is clearly in the ‘habitable zone’ del Sol, neither too far nor too close, where the temperature is right for liquid water, which makes it a promising place for life.

But the authors suggest that transits could be masked by a lasing controlled, with the beam directed towards the star where they could live aliens. When transit is effected, ie, when the Earth passes across the Sun, the laser could be turned on to compensate for the fall of light.

According to the authors, the issuance of a continuous laser 30 MW for about 10 hours, once a year, would be sufficient to eliminate the traffic signal, at least in visible light. The energy required is comparable to that collected by the International Space Station (ISS) in a year

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Seth Shostak, director of the Center for SETI Research, a group that is looking for intelligent life alien, shown a little skeptical about the effectiveness of a cloaking device laser.

“Do all this with all the wavelengths of visible light would require a lot of energy, “he said. “And you know what? If they have already found Earth and see ‘disappear’ suddenly, that’s a sign that we are here.”


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