Google is strained by all parties, and, now, you got on Twittter: nothing more and nothing less than for us to do searches via emoji.
does Not work with all the emoji (which are more than 1,800), but only with 200, but I give you a hint: if you tweeted foods, beverages, or nearby sites, surely you will find them. The process is very simple, and here we’ll show you how it is made and what happens if we search for “sun”, “wine” and “festival”, among others. And something very funny appears when you place the emoji of a peach, but do not get ahead of ourselves.
@Google, and nothing of words
The first thing you have to do is go to Twitter. Published, as you would any tweet, just remember not to use anything text. Places the emoji in question at the beginning and then you type @Google.

And @Google responds (ツ)
In a few short minutes, the official account of Google you answers right there as an answer to your tweet in the form of emoji. In this example, interpreted my hesitation was the hour in which the Sun rises.
And responds with style, but only in English
each emoji-question, Google responds with a phrase such fun, with metaphors or games sound of the English language. In this case, we said something like “The early bird God helps”.
For now, this option is available only in English, so that makes jokes language escape us. Anyway, these sayings are accompanied with a multimedia content in the form of a GIF that shows a common search and current invaded by many, many, many emojis.
it Is disturbing when we combine ‘emojis’ O. o?
As a picture is worth a thousand words, what better than several emojis instead of a single one. I tried to combine a specific action with my nationality, but the results were in vain: only interprets the first emoji instead of the two together.
Follow trying (to Google unknown the emoji party)
If you do not find what you are looking for, Google excites you to not give up and continue trying. Your track: #KnowNearby, a hashtag that you are encouraged to get to know the sites that are located near you. On another occasion, he suggested that I look for food.
Do what you can \_(ツ)_/
And once you’ve had success with your TwitterGoogleEmoji-search, you can click on the link that you provided, and go to the finder, with the results close.
If you are looking for the controversial emoji of the peach (which refers to the part of the body that has made Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez famous), brings you to a lyrics of a song very representative of this genre.
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