Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hadron Collider paralyzes its restart after suffering a … – Radio Bío-Bío

Wednesday March 25, 2015 | 11:07 · Updated: 11:57

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An intermittent short circuit was the cause of the delay in restarting the Large Hadron Collider or LHC at CERN, scheduled for Wednesday. According to the agency, the fault was detected on Saturday and affects one 3-4 magnets sector that send protons around the collider. After a two year hiatus, the accelerator was preparing to start business with increased energy collisions.

One of a sector 4-5- areas close to where the incident occurred and broke down more serious in 2008. The machine had just started running when a failure occurred in the solder connection power between two magnets. This caused the temperature of over a hundred magnets are fired almost 100 degrees . The repair lasted over a year and this incident caused the accelerator became operational with less energy than expected. The objectives of 13 teralectronvoltios (TeV) had been delayed for the second phase.

A second phase faster

The second period of operation or Run 2 will extend over the next three years. The LHC is the accelerator largest and most powerful in the world , a gigantic 27-kilometer ring that has been repaired and updated since early 2013 particles, when he finished his Run 1, a stage in which discovered the famous Higgs boson.

Today, again, were to begin circulating proton beams, although collisions were not provided until late May or early June. will occur at temperatures near absolute 0 and 13 TeV, twice as much energy as the first step .

According to CERN, the experiment expected to increase the energy of the collisions, could increase the possibility of creating new Higgs bosons. This would help to more accurately measure and check their decay modes . Could detect small and subtle differences between what appears as the Higgs experiments and predicted by the standard model.

Investigate antimatter

The experiments powerful machine also inquire about the unknown severity and its spread into extra dimensions . Another line of research is the antimatter . Each particle of matter has a corresponding antiparticle, an exact replica but with opposite charge. When both contact annihilate, disappearing in a flash of energy.

If the Big Bang created equal amounts of matter and antimatter, why are most of the first in the universe? Run at higher energies will generate more antiparticles, allowing physicists to check if their properties differ from those of matter.

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