Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Facebook described with voice pictures you post – Milenio.com

Facebook is teaching computers to become guides blind or visually impaired when reviewing the photographs published in the world’s largest social network.

The function available in the application Facebook for iPhone interprets the contents of an image using a form of artificial intelligence that recognizes faces and objects. The screen reader program built into iPhone, VoiceOver must be enabled to descriptions of the photos are read. At the moment, will be operational in English only.

Initially, descriptions will be limited to a maximum of 100 words to prevent the computer provide many details. For example, automated voice only tell the user if three people smiling image abroad, without adding the trio also has a drink in hand appear. Or you could say that it is a photograph of pizza without adding it has pepperoni and olives over.

Facebook is being cautious with the technology, called “alternative AutoText” in an attempt to avoid making errors that may offend your audience. Google knew closely the risks last year when a system image recognition included in your Photos application described a black couple as gorillas, forcing the company to present an apology.

However, the network social hopes to refine the technology over time to provide more accurate descriptions and even answer questions you may have on the image.

Facebook also plans to include the technology in its Android application as the web visit through web browsers.

the company Menlo Park, California, is trying to ensure that the nearly 300 million blind and visually impaired people in the world are still interested in using their social network when the number of photos published in it is constantly increasing. According to Facebook, every day are published on average more than 2, 000 million photos in the social environment and their other applications, a list that includes Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp.

Until now, people who employing screen readers on Facebook they could only hear one person had shared an image, without further details.

the vocabulary recognition program Facebook photo includes “car”, “sky”, “desert “,” baby “,” shoes “and, of course,” selfie “.


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