Friday, April 1, 2016

Garage to the top, Apple turns 40 – The Universal

Both are called the same, Steve, but they could not be more different. Wozniak, humble, shy and generous, I just wanted a job as an electrical engineer to design computers, his lifelong passion. Jobs, however, was seductive and ambitious, wanted to conquer the world and saw on personal computers an opportunity to achieve that goal. The problem is that I had no computer to sell.

So when Wozniak showed him the machine he had created in his spare time, Jobs did not hesitate. They would found a company to commercialize the device. Until then, Wozniak gave the planes of the circuit and had even offered the design to Hewlett-Packard, where he was working and where he plans to stay forever. But they had rejected his offer.

So with the help of Ronald Wayne-which would lower the project, two weeks later, the two Steve established their venture in the garage of the house Jobs’ parents in Crist Drive 2066, Los Altos, California, USA, on 1 April 1976.

with the assistance of family and friends, manufactured by hand 200 Apple I, which sold like hotcakes thanks to an order of Paul Terrell, who had recently established one of the first computer retail businesses. Jobs, with an unerring sense of smell would keep life, was right.

After the departure of Wayne, it was not until November that the first serious investor appeared to help them jump into the next stage. Mark Markkula was called and was director of marketing for Fairchild and Intel. Now, with an investment of $ 250,000, it would boost the micro venture of the two Steve into the stratosphere. The company was officially incorporated in January 1977 and went public in December 1980; It was the largest IPO since Ford in 1956, and had succeeded in record time.

All thanks to the second computer Wozniak, the Apple II, which was a masterpiece. Both would feed the coffers of the company for 11 years. Wozniak retired from the company in 1981, uncomfortable with the climate began to reign in the corporation. Shortly before had suffered a serious accident in his private plane.

In 1983, Jobs recruited John Sculley, who came from Pepsi-Cola to be the CEO. The computer failed Lisa, catastrophic Apple III, the visionary but limited Macintosh and the impossible nature of Jobs led to an internal which ended with his resignation in 1985.

Return of the King

In the next 11 years, Apple was losing relevance and technical excellence, while Windows pCs remained with everything. The output of Windows 95 seemed to seal the failure of Apple, which had once been the greatest promise of Silicon Valley.

Meanwhile, Jobs founded a new company, called NeXT (1985) and acquired Pixar (in 1986). With both change again, the lives of millions of people.

Pixar, which was a minor division of Lucasfilm, opened a new way of making films. With NeXT, Jobs sowed the basis for the operating systems today use from the Mac to the iPhone and iPad.

Overwhelmed, on the verge of destruction, Apple bought NeXT in 1996 (paid 427 million and was its largest acquisition to Beats in 2014) and thus recovered Jobs, who reorganized the company and relaunched the entire product line.

a from then until his death in October 2011, it was a success after another, with inimitable creativity of British industrial designer Jonathan Ive. The names of these products are well known: iMac, Mac Air, MacBook Pro, iPod, the music shop (and then, apps) iTunes Store, iPhone, iPad. No history of such a succession of successes in other technology companies. Predictably, they produce industrial, social, commercial and cultural changes.

iPod and iTunes The Apple became the largest retailer of music in the United States. The iPhone, which almost nobody gave much credit at first, faced and defeated giants the likes of Motorola (who had invented the cell phone) and Nokia (which was the first sales). Moreover, its huge (for the time) touchscreen completely changed much of our digital experience and forced the rest of the industry to follow this course. It was not the first time Apple did something. In 1976, to make a computer that could connect to any TV, for example. Or in 1984, launching the first computer for all age groups with windows, icons, folders and mouse, inventions of Xerox that Jobs had changed by 1 million shares of Apple.

the iPhone was the most disruptive device from the IBM / PC, in 1981, and affected the business of the emperors of that era, Microsoft and Intel. It also created new industries, such as apps, and catapulted the rise of social networks, which in turn reinvent from social protest to trade.

Today, a mature Apple looking back its destination. Since the demise of Jobs, the company has again revolutionized the technology and its releases have been progress over previous products. There seems to be dark clouds on the horizon, but this industry changes cyclically and every so often a major collapse. Tim Cook, the heir to Jobs has done a magnificent job, but you should still try Deposited with the innovative tradition of Wozniak and Jobs.


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