Saturday, April 2, 2016

Would you like to know when you will die? The ‘death clock’ I predict to you – Telemundo

The plan, use large databases to predict the life expectancy of people, especially those with chronic diseases. Insurance companies have enlisted the help of a group of scientists for this project would change in many ways practicality and financial and medical benefits industry.

Medical, computer engineers, and statisticians at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, are applying their knowledge on large databases with the goal of providing conditions for future disease and eventually point out the longevity of life.

In the article published on the website of the University says project members ensure that the development of this “deathwatch” bring many benefits to all. Helping people to people planning their retirement or decide whether it is worth trying drugs in experimental phases, among others.

“People increasingly live around the world. We want to develop software tools’ that use large volumes of data ( ‘big data’ in the original) routinely collected by health professionals to predict longevity, “says Elena Kulinskaya, Faculty of computer Science of the University of East Anglia . “We want to identify and quantify the key factors affecting mortality and longevity, such as lifestyle, medical conditions and medical interventions.”


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