The red planet is far from going out of style. For each small step we seem to have a new surprise waiting. Recently published in a research journal, appeared the results of the SAM, an instrument aboard the rover Curiosity. In these results speak of nitrogen on Mars, but this time, organic nitrogen, which is a way of referring to a form of this element associated with other molecules and typically associated with the life . Does this mean we have found real evidence that there was life on Mars? Not yet, at least safely. But we are much closer.
Finding nitrogen on Mars
The appearance of nitrogen on Mars is no surprise. But it is in the form in which it has appeared. As shown in the results, the nitrogen is attached to soil sediments in the form of nitrates and nitrites, which consist primarily of nitrogen molecules bonded to oxygen . This form of nitrogen does not occur easily, because the nitrogen molecule is composed of two atoms, is quite stable. An energetic process must occur to be “fixed” said nitrogen to the substrate, making it a rest more. How researchers say, this is certainly what happened The fixed nitrogen can not be formed spontaneously, requires a lot of energy to do
on the surface of Mars, probably at a time when its surface was covered by a lake.
To find these remains, Curiosity has used a tool called Sample Analysis at Mars or SAM, an original name that perfectly describes its function. After several tests and checks, the SAM has shown the presence of nitrogen fixed on the Martian surface. The rover also has found signs of significant concentrations in three different places, which means that organic nitrogen was spread throughout the area. But what does the nitrogen life and what implications does the discovery?
Nitrogen and life on Mars
As we said before, fix nitrogen is not easy , look at it. Much energy is needed to disrupt molecular bonds and to form new, with other compounds. Life on earth is famous for having several species able to do it from atmospheric nitrogen. These species of bacteria are able to “fix” the N2 to the “floor”, making it an element that plants used for food. Roughly speaking, and simplifying much from this fixed nitrogen can “build” the necessary for proteins (amino acids, which are rich in nitrogen) DNA (nitrogenous bases), among others. Without these nitrogen fixers, without organic nitrogen, life as we know it would be impossible. At all. This is what raises further suspicion on Mars
Images prospecting. Source: NASA
But this does not imply the existence, sometimes, of nitrogen-fixing organisms, necessarily.. A highly energetic impact, such as a meteorite or lightning would be able to generate this fixed nitrogen . But the truth is that nitrous oxide and found another form of nitrogen fixed, long ago, in the Martian atmosphere. A fixed nitrogen much more modern and would not match any meteorite impact on time. If we add that there is an unexplained increase in atmospheric methane Between the appearance of atmospheric methane and nitrous oxide, Mars still holds many mysteries
on the surface of Mars and methane is a product of metabolism of life, it seems that the red planet wants to tell you something.
Of course, life on Mars is still science fiction. Both extraterrestrial life as a human settlement. However, both the one and the other could be closer every day. The appearance of fixed nitrogen on Mars increases the possibility of planting and cultivating on Mars . To develop new bacterial life. In Final, to terraform Mars. Maybe we have not found yet, definitive proof of the existence of life on Mars, but this finding will undoubtedly be one of the most important of the decade. We’ll see
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