The Pirate Bay and is not alone in the list of blocked sites in Spain is that, surprisingly and just two weeks after blocking P2P download portal on the First of the Division of Administrative Litigation Section of the National Court has decreed blocking Goear and urges operators blocking access and service suspension within 72 from the issuance of the car.

In this sense, the decree lock is motivated by the admission and estimation of an appeal filed by AGEDI against former auto Central Court for Contentious Madrid last year rejected the suspension of forwarding IP required for Goear website.

“This new resolution adds to the recent enacted in Spain against The Pirate Bay and confirms the blockade as the only effective measure to eliminate the websites that violate intellectual property rights. “- Antonio Guisasola president of Promusicae and AGEDI

By blocking The Pirate Bay and now Goear, the insistence of the industry culture and work of the Second Committee on Culture and subsequent ratification in both cases by judges and magistrates, is leading to constant blocking websites intellectual property, action, given the ease of access to a DNS change or using a simple browser extension, not likely curb piracy , ever be the worst decision, and more these cases futility

