Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Twitter lets discuss a retweet 116 extra characters – HoyEnTEC

 discuss a retweet As we see, the world of technology is constantly changing, and applications and social networks are constantly updated to provide better service to its users. Twitter is an example of a network that is slowly implementing new features . Today in particular we will discuss the new possibility that Twitter offers when quoting tweets or retweet.

So far the possibilities for sharing a Tweet was two, either by a retweet for the tweet want to share appear in our timeline, or copying the original tweet and citing a new tweet. This second possibility also allowed us to add some of our harvest provided that the number of characters allowed it.

With the new feature just added Twitter can do retweet any tweet while adding a comment which may contain up to 116 additional comments. Thus we can discuss a retweet, enlarge, criticize or offer our point of view without having to publish tweets extras that can our readers get lost.

At the moment, the role of commenting on a retweet It is only available for iOS devices and if you use Twitter via the web. By the time Android users will have to wait until they get the new functionality, however for iOS can now download the update with the opportunity to comment on a retweet.

Some third-party Twitter clients already able to perform similar functions, albeit with limited character Twitter itself. From now on, these third-party applications to access Twitter may unlock new functionality and add those 116 extra characters to comment on a retweet.

Not surprisingly comments are only possible with other tweets people, we can not comment retweet a tweet he posted above and add the comment. It is obvious, but to official accounts, for example, could be very helpful in remembering any information above.

passionate Advertiser communication and new technologies. Love always be trendy, analyze the market and tell others what lies ahead. I also feel passion for motorcycles, wine and ham.


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